
I depict common scenes from various myths that illustrate the world's origin.

For instance, a scene from Japanese mythology narrates the traditional and

legendary history of the emergence of the Japanese archipelago. In this story, a god

hides in a cave, resulting in darkness across the world, and when she comes out,

light is restored to the world. The biblical narrative also portrays the scenery when

God creates the world and begins to let light into it. I am interested in the aspect

that these world-creation stories legitimize people's identity, explaining why the

land belongs to them. I am also inspired by scientific descriptions, such as how the

atoms created in stars were scattered into space by the final supernova explosion of

those stars. The Earth was formed approximately 4.6 billion years ago through

the collisions and mergers of micro-planets.

I explore the link between landscape and identity. The myth of the creation of the

world serves the function of creating identity in society why they own the

land—answering questions about who we are and why we live here.

A commonality among these narratives is that people have never seen these

sceneries. Thus, I portray scenes of genesis before the existence of life, featuring

inorganic materials such as light, water, rock, and air. By depicting this common

scene in various identity stories, I attempt to relativize and universalize the idea of

"home land."


Sao Tanaka is a visual artist based in Tokyo and New York City. She works with

painting, photography, video, and installation. She received a BFA in Japanese

painting from Tama Art University, an MA in Sociology and cultural anthropology from

Hitotsubashi University and also studied digital photography at the School of

Visual Arts.

She has shown her works at Mizuma & Kip's Gallery in New York, SVA Gallery,

ASYAAF Art Fair in Korea, Bunkamura Gallery in Japan, Hiroshima City Museum of

Contemporary Art in Japan, published in Impressions Number 42 Part Two Double

Issue, The Journal of the Japanese Art Society of America.

She worked on a commission project of mural painting for the Mitsui Garden Hotel

Roppongi Tokyo Premier BALCON TOKYO. She received the Hiraizumi Curator Jury

Prize, SHIBUYA ART AWARDS 2019, MFA Fine Arts Scholarship School of Visual Arts,

Winning Selection Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art "Open Call for Art

Project Ideas 2018, Grand Prize The 5th 21 Century Asia Design Competition from the

Kyoto University of Art in Kyoto Japan. 

2021 MPS Digital Photography, School of Visual Arts, New York (Transferred from MFA

Fine Art)

2017 MA Sociology, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Institute for the Study of

Global Issues, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo

2014 BFA Painting, Department of Painting Japanese Painting course, Tama Art

University, Tokyo

Solo Exhibition

2022 ” MELD GOLD” Mizuma&Kips Gallery, New York

Group Exhibition

2023 “Echoes From New York” Lurf MUSEUM, Group exhibition Tokyo, Japan  

2022 “Newtopia,” Mizuma &Kips Gallery, Group exhibition,  New York, USA 

2021 “Recalled”  MPS Digital Photography Graduate exhibition,  SVA Gramercy  

   Gallery, New York, USA 

2021 “Tamabi DNA - A Genealogy of Contemporary Nihonga, Japanese Painting 1965”, 

   Tama Art University Museum, Tokyo  

2021  “Within Sight,” Mizuma &Kips Gallery, Group exhibition,  New York, USA 

2020  ASYAAF 2020, Overseas Artists Section, presented by Gallery LVS, Seoul,


2019 “SHIBUYA AWARD 2019 Award exhibition”, Bunkamura Gallery, Tokyo, Japan. 

2018 “Genbi Dokodemo Kikaku Kobo 2018 (Open Call for Art Project Ideas 2018)

   winning selection exhibition”, Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art,

   Hiroshima, Japan

Art Fair

2023 Art Miami 2023, Mizuma Art Gallery

2020 ASYAAF 2020, Overseas Artists Section, Gallery LVS, Seoul, Korea

Commission Work 

2023 Farm to Me, Tokyo, Japan

2020 Mitsui Garden Hotel Roppongi Tokyo Premier BALCON TOKYO, Tokyo, Japan


2019 Hiraizumi Curator Jury Prize, SHIBUYA ART AWARDS 2019 (Hosted by SHIBUYA


2019 MFA Fine Arts Scholarship, School of Visual Arts in New York

2018 Winning Selection Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art “Open Call for

Art Project Ideas 2018” (Hosted by Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary

Art in Hiroshima.)

2005 Grand Prize The 5th 21 Century Asia Design Competition (Hosted by Kyoto

University of Art in Kyoto)

2004 Winning Selection The 4th 21 Century Asia Design Competition (Hosted by

Kyoto University of Art in Kyoto)

2014 多摩美術大学美術学部絵画日本画卒業

2017 一橋大学社会学研究科地球社会専攻修了

2021 School of Visual Art Digital Photography 修了


2019 第6回SHIBUYA AWARD 平泉千枝賞

2019 MFA Fine Arts Scholarship, School of Visual Arts in New York

2018 ゲンビどこでも企画公募2018 広島市現代美術館

2005 第5回21世紀アジアデザインコンペ大賞受賞 京都芸術大学


2022 ” MELD GOLD” Mizuma&Kips Gallery, ニューヨーク


2023 ” Echoes From New York”, Lurf MUSEUM, 東京

2022 ” Newtopia”, Mizuma & Kips Gallery, ニューヨーク

2021 “Recalled”, MPS Digital Photography Graduate SVA Gramercy Gallery, ニュ


2021 現代日本画の系譜-タマビDNA展,多摩美術大学美術館, アートテークギャラリー 


2021 “Within Sight” Mizuma & Kips Gallery, ニューヨーク

2020 ”ASYAAF 2020 Overseas Artists Section”, Gallery LVS, ソウル

2019 SHIBUYA AWARDS 2019 ART部門受賞作品巡回展, Bunkamura Gallery 

2018 どこでもゲンビ企画公募入選作品展,  広島市現代美術館, 広島


2023 Farm to Me 3階レストラン 作品制作

2020 三井ガーデンホテル六本木プレミアBALCON TOKYO 壁画制作